ModularSensors > Files > src / sensors

sensors / directory

Contains the source code for all Sensor subclasses, including the Sensor subclasses which themselves are the parent classes to other Sensors.


file AnalogElecConductivity.cpp
This encapsulates an Electrical Conductivity sensors using an anlog input and onboard ADC and ADC ref.
file AnalogElecConductivity.h
Encapsulates an Electrical Conductivity sensors using an anlog input and onboard ADC and ADC ref.
file AOSongAM2315.cpp
Implements the AOSongAM2315 class.
file AOSongAM2315.h
Contains the AOSongAM2315 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses AOSongAM2315_Humidity and AOSongAM2315_Temp.
file AOSongDHT.cpp
Implements the AOSongDHT class.
file ApogeeSQ212.cpp
Implements the ApogeeSQ212 class.
file ApogeeSQ212.h
Contains the ApogeeSQ212 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses ApogeeSQ212_PAR and ApogeeSQ212_Voltage.
file AtlasParent.cpp
Implements the AtlasParent class.
file AtlasParent.h
Contains the AtlasParent sensor subclass which is itself the parent class for all Atlas sensors.
file AtlasScientificCO2.cpp
Implements the AtlasScientificCO2 class.
file AtlasScientificCO2.h
Contains the AtlasScientificCO2 subclass of the AtlasParent sensor class along with the variable subclasses AtlasScientificCO2_CO2 and AtlasScientificCO2_Temp.
file AtlasScientificDO.cpp
Implements the AtlasScientificCO2 class.
file AtlasScientificDO.h
Contains the AtlasScientificCO2 subclass of the AtlasParent sensor class along with the variable subclasses AtlasScientificDO_DOmgL and AtlasScientificDO_DOpct.
file AtlasScientificEC.cpp
Implements the AtlasScientificEC class.
file AtlasScientificEC.h
Contains the AtlasScientificCO2 subclass of the AtlasParent sensor class along with the variable subclasses AtlasScientificEC_Cond, AtlasScientificEC_TDS, AtlasScientificEC_Salinity and AtlasScientificEC_SpecificGravity.
file AtlasScientificORP.h
Contains the AtlasScientificRTD subclass of the AtlasParent sensor class along with the variable subclass AtlasScientificORP_Potential.
file AtlasScientificpH.h
Contains the AtlasScientificRTD subclass of the AtlasParent sensor class along with the variable subclass AtlasScientificpH_pH.
file AtlasScientificRTD.h
Contains the AtlasScientificRTD subclass of the AtlasParent sensor class along with the variable subclass AtlasScientificRTD_Temp.
file BoschBME280.cpp
Implements the BoschBME280 class.
file BoschBME280.h
Contains the BoschBME280 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses BoschBME280_Temp, BoschBME280_Humidity, BoschBME280_Pressure, and BoschBME280_Altitude.
file BoschBMP3xx.cpp
Implements the BoschBMP3xx class.
file BoschBMP3xx.h
Contains the BoschBMP3xx sensor subclass and the variable subclasses BoschBMP3xx_Temp, BoschBMP3xx_Humidity, BoschBMP3xx_Pressure, and BoschBMP3xx_Altitude.
file CampbellClariVUE10.h
Contains the CampbellClariVUE10 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses CampbellClariVUE10_Temp, CampbellClariVUE10_Turbidity, and CampbellClariVUE10_ErrorCode.
file CampbellOBS3.cpp
Implements the CampbellOBS3 class.
file CampbellOBS3.h
Contains the CampbellOBS3 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses CampbellOBS3_Turbidity and CampbellOBS3_Voltage.
file CampbellRainVUE10.h
Contains the CampbellRainVUE10 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses CampbellRainVUE10_Precipitation, CampbellRainVUE10_Tips, CampbellRainVUE10_RainRateAve, and CampbellRainVUE10_RainRateMax.
file Decagon5TM.cpp
Implements the Decagon5TM class.
file Decagon5TM.h
Contains the Decagon5TM subclass of the SDI12Sensors class along with the variable subclasses Decagon5TM_Ea, Decagon5TM_Temp, and Decagon5TM_VWC.
file DecagonCTD.h
Contains the DecagonCTD subclass of the SDI12Sensors class along with the variable subclasses DecagonCTD_Cond, DecagonCTD_Temp, and DecagonCTD_Depth.
file DecagonES2.h
Contains the DecagonES2 subclass of the SDI12Sensors class along with the variable subclasses DecagonES2_Cond and DecagonES2_Temp.
file EverlightALSPT19.cpp
Implements the EverlightALSPT19 class.
file EverlightALSPT19.h
Contains the EverlightALSPT19 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses EverlightALSPT19_Current and EverlightALSPT19_Illuminance.
file ExternalVoltage.h
This file only serves to support backwards compatibility for the renamed TIADS1x15.
file FreescaleMPL115A2.cpp
Implements the FreescaleMPL115A2 class.
file FreescaleMPL115A2.h
Contains the FreescaleMPL115A2 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses FreescaleMPL115A2_Temp and FreescaleMPL115A2_Pressure.
file InSituRDO.h
Contains the InSituRDO sensor subclass and the variable subclasses InSituRDO_Temp, InSituRDO_DOpct, and InSituRDO_DOmgL.
file KellerAcculevel.h
Contains the KellerAcculevel sensor subclass and the KellerAcculevel_Pressure, KellerAcculevel_Temp, and KellerAcculevel_Height variable subclasses.
file KellerNanolevel.h
Contains the KellerNanolevel sensor subclass and the KellerNanolevel_Pressure, KellerNanolevel_Temp, and KellerNanolevel_Height variable subclasses.
file KellerParent.cpp
Implements the KellerParent class.
file KellerParent.h
Contains the KellerParent sensor subclass, itself used as a parent class for all Keller modbus sensors.
file MaxBotixSonar.cpp
Implements the MaxBotixSonar class.
file MaxBotixSonar.h
Contains the MaxBotixSonar sensor subclass and the MaxBotixSonar_Range variable subclass.
file MaximDS18.cpp
Implements the MaximDS18 class.
file MaximDS18.h
Contains the MaximDS18 sensor subclass and the MaximDS18_Temp variable subclass.
file MaximDS3231.cpp
Implements the MaximDS18 class.
file MaximDS3231.h
Contains the MaximDS3231 sensor subclass and the MaximDS3231_Temp variable subclass.
file MeaSpecMS5803.cpp
Implements the MeaSpecMS5803 class.
file MeaSpecMS5803.h
Contains the MeaSpecMS5803 semsor subclass and the variable subclasses MeaSpecMS5803_Temp and MeaSpecMS5803_Pressure.
file MeterHydros21.h
Contains the MeterHydros21 subclass of the SDI12Sensors class along with the variable subclasses MeterHydros21_Cond, MeterHydros21_Temp, and MeterHydros21_Depth.
file MeterTeros11.cpp
Implements the MeterTeros11 class.
file MeterTeros11.h
Contains the MeterTeros11 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses MeterTeros11_Ea, MeterTeros11_Temp, and MeterTeros11_VWC.
file PaleoTerraRedox.h
Contains the PaleoTerraRedox semsor subclass and the variable subclass PaleoTerraRedox_Voltage.
file ProcessorStats.cpp
Implements the ProcessorStats class.
file ProcessorStats.h
Contains the ProcessorStats sensor subclass and the variable subclasses ProcessorStats_Battery, ProcessorStats_FreeRam, and ProcessorStats_SampleNumber.
file RainCounterI2C.cpp
Implements the RainCounterI2C class.
file RainCounterI2C.h
Contains the RainCounterI2C sensor subclass and the variable subclasses RainCounterI2C_Tips and RainCounterI2C_Depth.
file SDI12Sensors.cpp
Implements the SDI12Sensors class.
file SDI12Sensors.h
Contains the SDI12Sensors sensor subclass, itself a parent class for all devices that communicate over SDI-12.
file SensirionSHT4x.cpp
Implements the SensirionSHT4x class.
file SensirionSHT4x.h
Contains the SensirionSHT4x sensor subclass and the variable subclasses SensirionSHT4x_Humidity and SensirionSHT4x_Temp.
file TallyCounterI2C.h
Implements the TallyCounterI2C sensor subclass.
file TIADS1x15.cpp
Implements the TIADS1x15 class.
file TIADS1x15.h
This file contains the TIADS1x15 sensor subclass and the TIADS1x15_Voltage variable subclass.
file TIINA219.cpp
Implements the TIINA219 class.
file TIINA219.h
Contains the TIINA219 sensor subclass and the variale subclasses TIINA219_Current, TIINA219_Voltage, and TIINA219_Power.
file TurnerCyclops.cpp
Implements the TurnerCyclops class.
file TurnerCyclops.h
Contains the TurnerCyclops sensor subclass and the variable subclasses TurnerCyclops_Turbidity and TurnerCyclops_Voltage.
file YosemitechParent.cpp
Implements the YosemitechParent class.
file YosemitechParent.h
Contains the YosemitechParent sensor subclass, itself a parent class for all Yosemitech sensors that communicate via Modbus and are supported by the EnviroDIY Yosemitech library.
file YosemitechY4000.h
Contains the YosemitechY4000 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses YosemitechY4000_DOmgL, YosemitechY4000_Turbidity, YosemitechY4000_Cond, YosemitechY4000_pH, YosemitechY4000_Temp, YosemitechY4000_ORP, YosemitechY4000_Chlorophyll, and YosemitechY4000_BGA.
file YosemitechY504.h
Contains the YosemitechY504 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses YosemitechY504_DOpct, YosemitechY504_Temp, and YosemitechY504_DOmgL.
file YosemitechY510.h
Contains the YosemitechY510 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses YosemitechY510_Turbidity and YosemitechY510_Temp.
file YosemitechY511.h
Contains the YosemitechY511 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses YosemitechY511_Turbidity and YosemitechY511_Temp.
file YosemitechY514.h
Contains the YosemitechY514 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses YosemitechY514_Chlorophyll and YosemitechY514_Temp.
file YosemitechY520.h
Contains the YosemitechY520 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses YosemitechY520_Cond and YosemitechY520_Temp.
file YosemitechY532.h
Contains the YosemitechY532 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses YosemitechY532_pH, YosemitechY532_Temp, and YosemitechY532_Voltage.
file YosemitechY533.h
Contains the YosemitechY533 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses YosemitechY533_ORP and YosemitechY533_Temp.
file YosemitechY551.h
Contains the YosemitechY551 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses YosemitechY551_COD, YosemitechY551_Temp, and YosemitechY551_Turbidity.
file YosemitechY560.h
Contains the YosemitechY560 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses YosemitechY560_NH4_N, YosemitechY560_Temp, and YosemitechY560_pH.
file YosemitechY700.h
Contains the YosemitechY700 sensor subclass and the variable subclasses YosemitechY700_Pressure and YosemitechY700_Temp.
file ZebraTechDOpto.h
Contains the ZebraTechDOpto sensor subclass and the variable subclasses ZebraTechDOpto_Temp, ZebraTechDOpto_DOpct, and ZebraTechDOpto_DOmgL.