Examples Using ModularSensors
These example programs demonstrate how to use the modular sensors library. Each example has slightly different functionality.
Basic Functionality
Single Sensor
The single_sensor example shows making use of the unified set of commands to print data from a MaxBotix ultrasonic range finder to the serial port. It also shows creating a calculated variable which is the water depth.
Simple Logging
The simple logging example shows how to create multiple sensors, create variables for the sensors in a variable array, and log the data from the sensors to an SD card.
Simple Logging for the Learn EnviroDIY course
The simple logging example for the Learn EnviroDIY programming course shows how to create multiple sensors, create variables for the sensors in a variable array, and log the data from the sensors to an SD card. It is very similar to the other simple logging example, with just a few extra sensors.
Publishing Data
Publishing to Monitor My Watershed
The logging to Monitor My Watershed example uses a Digi XBee in transparent mode to publish data live from a BME280 and Maxim DS18 to the Monitor My Watershed data portal.
Publishing to ThingSpeak
The logging to ThingSpeak example uses an ESP8266 to send data to ThingSpeak. It also includes a Meter Hydros 21 (formerly know as a Decagon CTD) and a Campbell OBS3+.
Calculations and Complex Logging
Barometric Pressure Correction
The barometric pressure correction example demonstrates how to work with calculated variables and calculates water depth by correcting the total pressure measured by a MeaSpec MS5803 with the atmospheric pressure measured by a Bosch BME280 environmental sensor and the temperature measured by a Maxim DS18 temperature probe.
Multiple Logging Intervals
The more complicated double logger example using two different logger instances to log data at two different intervals, in this case, an AM3215 logging every minute, while checking the battery voltage only every 5 minutes. This showcases both how to use two different logging instances and how to use some of the functions to set up your own logging loop rather than using the logData() function.
Minimizing Cell Data Usage
The data saving example is another double logger example, but in this case, both loggers are going at the same interval and the only difference between the loggers is the list of variables. There are two sets of variables, all coming from Yosemitech sensors. Because each sensor outputs temperature and we don't want to waste cellular data sending out multiple nearly identical temperature values, we have one logger that logs every possible variable result to the SD card and another logger that sends only unique results to the EnviroDIY data portal. This example also shows how to stop power draw from an RS485 adapter with automatic flow detection.
DRWI Citizen Science
DRWI Mayfly 1.x LTE
The DRWI Mayfly 1.x LTE example uses the sensors and equipment used by most groups participating in the DRWI (Delaware River Watershed Initiative) Citizen Science project with the Stroud Water Research Center. It includes a Meter Hydros 21 (CTD) and a SIM7080G-based EnviroDIY LTEbee for communication. This examples also makes use of the on-board light, temperature, and humidity sensors on the Mayfly 1.x. The results are saved to the SD card and posted to the Monitor My Watershed data portal. Only to be used with newer Mayfly v1.0 and v1.1 boards.
The DRWI EnviroDIY LTEbee example uses the sensors and equipment common to older stations (2016-2020) deployed by groups participating in the DRWI Citizen Science project with the Stroud Water Research Center. It includes a Meter Hydros 21 (CTD), a Campbell OBS3+, (Turbidity) and a SIM7080G-based EnviroDIY LTEbee for communication. The results are saved to the SD card and posted to the Monitor My Watershed data portal. The only difference between this and the other cellular DRWI examples below is the type of modem used.
The DRWI Digi LTE example uses the sensors and equipment common to older stations (2016-2020) deployed by groups participating in the DRWI Citizen Science project with the Stroud Water Research Center. It includes a Meter Hydros 21 (formerly know as a Decagon CTD), a Campbell OBS3+, and a Digi XBee3 LTE-M for communication. The results are saved to the SD card and posted to the Monitor My Watershed data portal. The only difference between this and the other cellular DRWI examples is the type of modem used.
DRWI CitSci (2G)
The 2G DRWI Citizen Science example uses the sensors and equipment found on older stations used in the DRWI Citizen Science project prior to 2020. The 2G GPRSbee boards no longer function in the USA, so this code should not be used and is only provided to archival and reference purposes. It includes a Meter Hydros 21 (formerly know as a Decagon CTD), a Campbell OBS3+, and a Sodaq GPRSBee for communication. The results are saved to the SD card and posted to the Monitor My Watershed data portal. The only difference between this and the other cellular DRWI examples is the type of modem used.
DRWI CitSci No Cellular
The DRWI no cellular example uses the sensors and equipment standard to the DRWI Citizen Science project but omits the data publisher for circumstances where there is no cellular signal. It includes a Meter Hydros 21 (CTD) and a Campbell OBS3+ (Turbidity). The exclusion of the modem and publisher simplifies the code from the other DRWI examples and uses less power than running one of cellular versions without attaching the modem.
- Instructions for the no-cellular DRWI Citizen Science example
- The no-cellular DRWI Citizen Science example on GitHub