TurnerTurbidityPlus class

The Sensor sub-class for the Turner Turbidity Plus turbiditysensor".

Base classes

class Sensor
The "Sensor" class is used for all sensor-level operations - waking, sleeping, and taking measurements.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

TurnerTurbidityPlus(int8_t powerPin, int8_t wiperTriggerPin, ttp_adsDiffMux_t adsDiffMux, float conc_std, float volt_std, float volt_blank, uint8_t i2cAddress = 0x48, adsGain_t PGA_gain = GAIN_ONE, uint8_t measurementsToAverage = 1, float voltageDividerFactor = 1)
Construct a new Turner Turbidity Plus object - need the power pin, the ADS1X15 data channel, and the calibration info.
Destroy the Turner Turbidity Plus object.

Public functions

String getSensorLocation(void) -> String override
Get the pin or connection location between the mcu and the sensor.
void runWiper(void)
Run one wiper cycle.
bool setup(void) -> bool override
Do any one-time preparations needed before the sensor will be able to take readings.
bool wake(void) -> bool override
Wake the sensor up, if necessary. Do whatever it takes to get a sensor in the proper state to begin a measurement.
void powerUp(void) override
Turn on the sensor power, if applicable.
void powerDown(void) override
Turn off the sensor power, if applicable.
bool addSingleMeasurementResult(void) -> bool override
Get the results from a single measurement.

Function documentation

TurnerTurbidityPlus::TurnerTurbidityPlus(int8_t powerPin, int8_t wiperTriggerPin, ttp_adsDiffMux_t adsDiffMux, float conc_std, float volt_std, float volt_blank, uint8_t i2cAddress = 0x48, adsGain_t PGA_gain = GAIN_ONE, uint8_t measurementsToAverage = 1, float voltageDividerFactor = 1)

Construct a new Turner Turbidity Plus object - need the power pin, the ADS1X15 data channel, and the calibration info.


The pin on the mcu controlling power to the Turbidity Plus Use -1 if it is continuously powered.

  • The ADS1x15 requires an input voltage of 2.0-5.5V
  • The Turbidity Plus itself requires a 3-15V power supply, which can be turned off between measurements.
wiperTriggerPin The pin on the mcu that triggers the sensor's wiper.
adsDiffMux Which two pins on the TI ADS1115 that will measure differential voltage. See ttp_adsDiffMux_t
conc_std The concentration of the standard used for a 1-point sensor calibration. The concentration units should be the same as the final measuring units.
volt_std The voltage (in volts) measured for the conc_std. This voltage should be the final voltage after accounting for any voltage dividers or gain settings.
volt_blank The voltage (in volts) measured for a blank. This voltage should be the final voltage after accounting for any voltage
i2cAddress The I2C address of the ADS 1x15, default is 0x48 (ADDR = GND)
PGA_gain The programmable gain amplification to set on the ADS 1x15, default is GAIN_ONE (0-4.096V).
measurementsToAverage The number of measurements to take and average before giving a "final" result from the sensor; optional with a default value of 1.
voltageDividerFactor For 3.3V processors like the Mayfly, The Turner's 0-5V output signal must be shifted down to a maximum of 3.3V. This can be done either either with a level-shifting chip (e.g. Adafruit BSS38), OR by connecting the Turner's output signal via a voltage divider. This voltageDividerFactor is used for the latter case: e.g., a divider that uses 2 matched resistors will halve the voltage reading and requires a voltageDividerFactor of 2. The default value is 1.

String TurnerTurbidityPlus::getSensorLocation(void) override

Get the pin or connection location between the mcu and the sensor.

Returns String Text describing how the sensor is attached to the mcu.

bool TurnerTurbidityPlus::setup(void) override

Do any one-time preparations needed before the sensor will be able to take readings.

Returns bool bool True if the setup was successful.

This sets pin mode on the wiper trigger pin

bool TurnerTurbidityPlus::wake(void) override

Wake the sensor up, if necessary. Do whatever it takes to get a sensor in the proper state to begin a measurement.

Returns bool True if the wake function completed successfully.

Verifies that the power is on and updates the _sensorStatus. This also sets the _millisSensorActivated timestamp.

void TurnerTurbidityPlus::powerUp(void) override

Turn on the sensor power, if applicable.

Generally this is done by setting the _powerPin HIGH. Also sets the _millisPowerOn timestamp and updates the _sensorStatus.

void TurnerTurbidityPlus::powerDown(void) override

Turn off the sensor power, if applicable.

Generally this is done by setting the _powerPin LOW. Also un-sets the _millisPowerOn timestamp (sets _millisPowerOn to 0) and updates the _sensorStatus.

bool TurnerTurbidityPlus::addSingleMeasurementResult(void) override

Get the results from a single measurement.

Returns bool True if the function completed successfully.

This asks the sensor for a new result, verifies that it passes sanity range checks, and then adds the value to the result array.

This also un-sets the _millisMeasurementRequested timestamp (sets _millisMeasurementRequested to 0) and updates the _sensorStatus.