Arduino Basics for EnviroDIY
Arduino-framework microcontroller boards are designed to be programed to interact with the real world.
An Arduino code sketch has comments, statements and functions organized into two main blocks, the setup() function block and the loop() function block.
An Arduino has different pins, which are designated for analog or digital inputs and outputs.
The Serial Monitor allows you to view outputs that you send from your Arduino.
Arduino Intermediate Skills for EnviroDIY
Arduino libraries offer an amazing array of functionality, by providing higher-level functions.
Many libraries, including ModularSensors, use Object Oriented Programming, in which a class of objects is defined. A special type of function called a constructor creates an object of that class.
Connecting to GitHub
GitHub is a collaborative version control system, where changes are tracked over an entire directory of files that is called a repository.
GitHub enables multiple edits to be saved in a commit, and for a different version to be developed in a branch.
When contributing to someone else’s repo, you ask them to pull your code edits into their code base by issuing a pull request
Installing PlatformIO
Using PlatformIO and Mayfly
Using PlatformIO Serial Monitor and Sensors
The Data Logging Cycle
Tour of Modular Sensors Library
First Sketch: simple_logging.ino
Introduction to Telemetry
Realtime data has numerous benefits to maintaining monitoring stations, timing the collection of samples, and engaging others. is a cellular IoT connectivity consolidator and broker that provides low-bandwidth, low-cost plans and that massively simplifies the management of SIM cards that can operate in 196 counties over 550 carriers.
Set up Monitor My Watershed Data Portal
Second Sketch: logging_to_MMW.ino