#include <src/VariableBase.h>
The variable class for a value and related metadata.
- Reference
- Detailed Descriptions
A variable is a result value taken by a sensor or calculated from the results of one or more sensors. It is characterized by a name (what it is a measurement of), a unit of measurement, and a resolution. The names and units of measurements for all variables come from the controlled vocabularies developed for the ODM2 data system. (http:/
Variables are expected to be grouped together into VariableArrays.
Derived classes
- class AOSongAM2315_Humidity
- The Variable sub-class used for the relative humidity output from an AOSong AM2315.
- class AOSongAM2315_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from an AOSong AM2315.
- class AOSongDHT_HI
- The Variable sub-class used for the heat index output calculated from measurements made by an AOSong DHT.
- class AOSongDHT_Humidity
- The Variable sub-class used for the humidity output from an AOSong DHT.
- class AOSongDHT_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from an AOSong DHT.
- class AlphasenseCO2_CO2
- The Variable sub-class used for the carbon dioxide (CO2) output from an Alphasense IRC-A1 CO2.
- class AlphasenseCO2_Voltage
- The Variable sub-class used for the raw voltage output from an Alphasense IRC-A1 CO2.
- class AnalogElecConductivity_EC
- The Variable sub-class used for electrical conductivity measured using an analog pin connected to electrodes submerged in the medium.
- class ApogeeSQ212_PAR
- The Variable sub-class used for the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) output from an Apogee SQ-212.
- class ApogeeSQ212_Voltage
- The Variable sub-class used for the raw voltage output from an Apogee SQ-212.
- class AtlasScientificCO2_CO2
- The Variable sub-class used for the CO2 concentration output from an Atlas Scientific CO2 circuit.
- class AtlasScientificCO2_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from an Atlas Scientific CO2 circuit.
- class AtlasScientificDO_DOmgL
- The Variable sub-class used for the dissolved oxygen concentration output from an Atlas Scientific EZO dissolved oxygen circuit.
- class AtlasScientificDO_DOpct
- The Variable sub-class used for the dissolved oxygen percent of saturation output from an Atlas Scientific EZO dissolved oxygen circuit.
- class AtlasScientificEC_Cond
- The Variable sub-class used for the conductivity output from an Atlas Scientific EC EZO circuit.
- class AtlasScientificEC_Salinity
- The Variable sub-class used for the salinity output from an Atlas Scientific EC EZO circuit.
- class AtlasScientificEC_SpecificGravity
- The Variable sub-class used for the specific gravity output from an Atlas Scientific EC EZO circuit.
- class AtlasScientificEC_TDS
- The Variable sub-class used for the total dissolved solids output from an Atlas Scientific EC EZO circuit.
- class AtlasScientificORP_Potential
- The Variable sub-class used for the oxidation/reduction potential output from an Atlas Scientific EZO-ORP circuit.
- class AtlasScientificRTD_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from an Atlas Scientific RTD temperature sensor.
- class AtlasScientificpH_pH
- The Variable sub-class used for the pH output from an Atlas Scientific EZO pH circuit.
- class BoschBME280_Altitude
- The Variable sub-class used for the altitude calculated from the measurements made by a Bosch BME280.
- class BoschBME280_Humidity
- The Variable sub-class used for the relative humidity output from a Bosch BME280.
- class BoschBME280_Pressure
- The Variable sub-class used for the atmospheric pressure output from a Bosch BME280.
- class BoschBME280_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Bosch BME280.
- class BoschBMP3xx_Altitude
- The Variable sub-class used for the altitude calculated from the measurements made by a Bosch BMP3xx.
- class BoschBMP3xx_Pressure
- The Variable sub-class used for the atmospheric pressure output from a Bosch BMP3xx.
- class BoschBMP3xx_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Bosch BMP3xx.
- class CampbellClariVUE10_ErrorCode
- The Variable sub-class used for the error code output from a Campbell ClariVUE10 turbidity sensor.
- class CampbellClariVUE10_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Campbell ClariVUE10 turbidity sensor.
- class CampbellClariVUE10_Turbidity
- The Variable sub-class used for the turbidity output from a Campbell ClariVUE10 turbidity sensor.
- class CampbellOBS3_Turbidity
- The Variable sub-class used for the turbidity output from a Campbell OBS3+.
- class CampbellOBS3_Voltage
- The Variable sub-class used for the raw voltage output from a Campbell OBS3+.
- class CampbellRainVUE10_Precipitation
- The Variable sub-class used for the precipitation output from a Campbell RainVUE10 precipitation sensor.
- class CampbellRainVUE10_RainRateAve
- The Variable sub-class used for the average rainfall rate output from a Campbell RainVUE10 precipitation sensor.
- class CampbellRainVUE10_RainRateMax
- The Variable sub-class used for the maximum rainfall rate output from a Campbell RainVUE10 precipitation sensor.
- class CampbellRainVUE10_Tips
- The Variable sub-class used for the tip count output from a Campbell RainVUE10 precipitation sensor.
- class Decagon5TM_Ea
- The Variable sub-class used for the apparent dielectric permittivity (εa, matric potential) output from a Meter ECH20 or Decagon 5TM soil moisture probe.
- class Decagon5TM_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output output from a Meter ECH20 or Decagon 5TM soil moisture probe.
- class Decagon5TM_VWC
- The Variable sub-class used for the volumetric water content output from a Meter ECH20 or Decagon 5TM soil moisture probe.
- class DecagonCTD_Cond
- The Variable sub-class used for the conductivity output from a Decagon CTD-10 3-in-1 water level sensor..
- class DecagonCTD_Depth
- The Variable sub-class used for the depth output from a Decagon CTD-10 3-in-1 water level sensor..
- class DecagonCTD_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Decagon CTD-10 3-in-1 water level sensor..
- class DecagonES2_Cond
- The Variable sub-class used for the conductivity output from a Decagon ES-2 electrical conductivity sensor.
- class DecagonES2_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Decagon ES-2 electrical conductivity sensor.
- class EverlightALSPT19_Current
- The Variable sub-class used for the relative current output from an Everlight ALS-PT19.
- class EverlightALSPT19_Illuminance
- The Variable sub-class used for the calculated illuminance output from an Everlight ALS-PT19.
- class EverlightALSPT19_Voltage
- The Variable sub-class used for the relative current output from an Everlight ALS-PT19.
- class FreescaleMPL115A2_Pressure
- The Variable sub-class used for the pressure output from a Freescale Semiconductor MPL115A2.
- class FreescaleMPL115A2_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Freescale Semiconductor MPL115A2.
- class GroPointGPLP8_Moist
- The Variable sub-class used for the soil moisture output from a GroPoint Profile GPLP8 probe.
- class GroPointGPLP8_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a GroPoint Profile GPLP8 probe.
- class InSituRDO_DOmgL
- The Variable sub-class used for the dissolved oxygen concentration output from a In-Situ RDO PRO-X dissolved oxygen sensor.
- class InSituRDO_DOpct
- The Variable sub-class used for the dissolved oxygen percent saturation output from a In-Situ RDO PRO-X dissolved oxygen sensor.
- class InSituRDO_Pressure
- The Variable sub-class used for the oxygen partial pressure output from a In-Situ RDO PRO-X dissolved oxygen sensor.
- class InSituRDO_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a In-Situ RDO PRO-X dissolved oxygen sensor.
- class InSituTrollSdi12a_Depth
- The Variable sub-class used for the depth output from a Insitu TROLL 3-in-1 water level sensor..
- class InSituTrollSdi12a_Pressure
- The Variable sub-class used for the pressure output from a Insitu TROLL 3-in-1 water level sensor..
- class InSituTrollSdi12a_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature Output from a Insitu TROLL 3-in-1 water level sensor..
- class KellerAcculevel_Height
- The Variable sub-class used for the gauge height (water level with regard to an arbitrary gage datum) output from a Keller Acculevel.
- class KellerAcculevel_Pressure
- The Variable sub-class used for the gauge pressure (vented and barometric pressure corrected) output from a Keller Acculevel.
- class KellerAcculevel_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Keller Acculevel.
- class KellerNanolevel_Height
- The Variable sub-class used for the gauge height (water level with regard to an arbitrary gage datum) output from a Keller Nanolevel ceramic capacitive level transmitter.
- class KellerNanolevel_Pressure
- The Variable sub-class used for the gauge pressure (vented and barometric pressure corrected) output from a Keller Nanolevel ceramic capacitive level transmitter.
- class KellerNanolevel_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Keller Nanolevel ceramic capacitive level transmitter.
- class MaxBotixSonar_Range
- The Variable sub-class used for the range output from a MaxBotix HRXL-MaxSonar ultrasonic range finder.
- class MaximDS18_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Maxim one-wire temperature sensor.
- class MaximDS3231_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a DS3231.
- class MeaSpecMS5803_Pressure
- The Variable sub-class used for the pressure output from a Measurement Specialties MS5803 digital pressure sensor.
- class MeaSpecMS5803_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Measurement Specialties MS5803 digital pressure sensor.
- class MeterHydros21_Cond
- The Variable sub-class used for the conductivity output from a Meter Hydros 21 3-in-1 water level sensor..
- class MeterHydros21_Depth
- The Variable sub-class used for the depth output from a Meter Hydros 21 3-in-1 water level sensor..
- class MeterHydros21_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Meter Hydros 21 3-in-1 water level sensor..
- class MeterTeros11_Count
- The Variable sub-class used for the raw calibrated VWC counts from a Meter Teros soil moisture/water content sensor.
- class MeterTeros11_Ea
- The Variable sub-class used for the apparent dielectric permittivity (εa, matric potential) from a Meter Teros soil moisture/water content sensor.
- class MeterTeros11_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output output from a Teros soil moisture/water content sensor.
- class MeterTeros11_VWC
- The Variable sub-class used for the volumetric water content output from a Teros soil moisture/water content sensor.
- class Modem_BatteryPercent
- The Variable sub-class used for the battery charge percent measured by a modem.
- class Modem_BatteryState
- The Variable sub-class used for the battery charge state measured by a modem.
- class Modem_BatteryVoltage
- The Variable sub-class used for the battery voltage measured by a modem.
- class Modem_RSSI
- The Variable sub-class used for the RSSI measured by a modem.
- class Modem_SignalPercent
- The Variable sub-class used for the percent of maximum signal measured by a modem.
- class Modem_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the chip temperature as measured by the modem.
- class PaleoTerraRedox_Voltage
- The Variable sub-class used for the voltage output from a PaleoTerra redox sensor.
- class ProcessorStats_Battery
- The Variable sub-class used for the battery voltage output measured by the processor's on-board ADC.
- class ProcessorStats_FreeRam
- The Variable sub-class used for the free RAM measured by the MCU.
- class ProcessorStats_SampleNumber
- The Variable sub-class used for the sample number output from the main processor.
- class RainCounterI2C_Depth
- The Variable sub-class used for the depth of rain output from an Adafruit Trinket based I2C tipping bucket counter.
- class RainCounterI2C_Tips
- The Variable sub-class used for the total tip count output from an Adafruit Trinket based I2C tipping bucket counter.
- class SensirionSHT4x_Humidity
- The Variable sub-class used for the relative humidity output from an Sensirion SHT4x.
- class SensirionSHT4x_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from an Sensirion SHTx0.
- class TIADS1x15_Voltage
- The Variable sub-class used for the voltage output from a TI ADS1115 or ADS1015.
- class TIINA219_Current
- The Variable sub-class used for the current output from a TI INA219 power and current monitor.
- class TIINA219_Power
- The Variable sub-class used for the power use output calculated from the voltage and current measured by a TI INA219 power and current monitor.
- class TIINA219_Voltage
- The Variable sub-class used for the bus voltage output from a TI INA219 power and current monitor.
- class TallyCounterI2C_Events
- The Variable sub-class used for the events output from a Tally Counter I2C - shows the number of events since last read.
- class TurnerCyclops_BTEX
- The Variable sub-class used for the refined fuels (BTEX) output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_Brighteners
- The Variable sub-class used for the opticalBrighteners output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_CDOM
- The Variable sub-class used for the CDOM output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_Chlorophyll
- The Variable sub-class used for the chlorophyll output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_CrudeOil
- The Variable sub-class used for the crude oil output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_Fluorescein
- The Variable sub-class used for the fluorescein output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_PTSA
- The Variable sub-class used for the PTSA output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_Phycocyanin
- The Variable sub-class used for the phycocyanin output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_Phycoerythrin
- The Variable sub-class used for the phycoerythrin output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_RedChlorophyll
- The Variable sub-class used for the chlorophyll output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_Rhodamine
- The Variable sub-class used for the Rhodamine output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_Tryptophan
- The Variable sub-class used for the tryptophan output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_Turbidity
- The Variable sub-class used for the turbidity output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerCyclops_Voltage
- The Variable sub-class used for the raw voltage output from a Turner Cyclops-7F.
- class TurnerTurbidityPlus_Turbidity
- The Variable sub-class used for the turbidity output from a Turner Turbidity Plus.
- class TurnerTurbidityPlus_Voltage
- The Variable sub-class used for the [raw voltage output](sensor_
turbidity_ plus_ voltage) from a [Turner Turbidity Plus](Turner Turbidity Plus). - class VegaPuls21_Distance
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a VEGAPULS C 21 radar level sensor.
- class VegaPuls21_ErrorCode
- The Variable sub-class used for the error code output from a VEGAPULS C 21 radar level sensor.
- class VegaPuls21_Reliability
- The Variable sub-class used for the reliability output from a VEGAPULS C 21 radar level sensor.
- class VegaPuls21_Stage
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a VEGAPULS C 21 radar level sensor.
- class VegaPuls21_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a VEGAPULS C 21 radar level sensor.
- class YosemitechY4000_BGA
- The Variable sub-class used for the blue green algae (BGA) concentration output from a Yosemitech Y4000 multiparameter sonde.
- class YosemitechY4000_Chlorophyll
- The Variable sub-class used for the chlorophyll concentration output from a Yosemitech Y4000 multiparameter sonde.
- class YosemitechY4000_Cond
- The Variable sub-class used for the conductivity output from a Yosemitech Y4000 multiparameter sonde.
- class YosemitechY4000_DOmgL
- The Variable sub-class used for the dissolved oxygen concentration output from a Yosemitech Y4000 multiparameter sonde.
- class YosemitechY4000_ORP
- The Variable sub-class used for the electrode electrical potential output from a Yosemitech Y4000 multiparameter sonde.
- class YosemitechY4000_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Yosemitech Y4000 multiparameter sonde.
- class YosemitechY4000_Turbidity
- The Variable sub-class used for the turbidity output from a Yosemitech Y4000 multiparameter sonde.
- class YosemitechY4000_pH
- The Variable sub-class used for the pH output from a Yosemitech Y4000 multiparameter sonde.
- class YosemitechY504_DOmgL
- The Variable sub-class used for the dissolved oxygen concentration output from a Yosemitech Y502-A or Y504-A optical dissolved oxygen sensor.
- class YosemitechY504_DOpct
- The Variable sub-class used for the dissolved oxygen percent saturation output from a Yosemitech Y502-A or Y504-A optical dissolved oxygen sensor.
- class YosemitechY504_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Yosemitech Y504 optical dissolved oxygen sensor.
- class YosemitechY510_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Yosemitech Y510-B optical turbidity sensor.
- class YosemitechY510_Turbidity
- The Variable sub-class used for the turbidity output from a Yosemitech Y510-B optical turbidity sensor.
- class YosemitechY511_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Yosemitech Y511-A optical turbidity sensor with wiper.
- class YosemitechY511_Turbidity
- The Variable sub-class used for the turbidity output from a Yosemitech Y511-A optical turbidity sensor with wiper.
- class YosemitechY513_BGA
- The Variable sub-class used for the blue green algae concentration output from a Yosemitech Y513 Blue Green Algae (BGA) sensor with wiper.
- class YosemitechY513_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Yosemitech Y513-A blue green algae sensor with wiper.
- class YosemitechY514_Chlorophyll
- The Variable sub-class used for the chlorophyll concentration output from a Yosemitech Y514-A chlorophyll sensor with wiper.
- class YosemitechY514_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Yosemitech Y514-A chlorophyll sensor with wiper.
- class YosemitechY520_Cond
- The Variable sub-class used for the conductivity output from a Yosemitech Y520-A 4-electrode conductivity sensor.
- class YosemitechY520_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Yosemitech Y520-A 4-electrode conductivity sensor.
- class YosemitechY532_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Yosemitech Y532-A digital pH sensor.
- class YosemitechY532_Voltage
- The Variable sub-class used for the electrode electrical potential output from a Yosemitech Y532-A digital pH sensor.
- class YosemitechY532_pH
- The Variable sub-class used for the pH output from a Yosemitech Y532-A digital pH sensor.
- class YosemitechY533_ORP
- The Variable sub-class used for the pH output from a Yosemitech Y533 ORP sensor.
- class YosemitechY533_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Yosemitech Y533 ORP sensor.
- class YosemitechY551_COD
- The Variable sub-class used for the carbon oxygen demand (COD) output from a Yosemitech Y551-B UV254/COD sensor with wiper.
- class YosemitechY551_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Yosemitech Y551-B UV254/COD sensor with wiper.
- class YosemitechY551_Turbidity
- The Variable sub-class used for the turbidity output from a Yosemitech Y551-B UV254/COD sensor with wiper.
- class YosemitechY560_NH4_N
- The Variable sub-class used for the NH4_
N output from a Yosemitech Y560-Ammonium sensor. - class YosemitechY560_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Yosemitech Y560-Ammonium sensor.
- class YosemitechY560_pH
- The Variable sub-class used for the pH output from a Yosemitech Y560-Ammonium sensor.
- class YosemitechY700_Pressure
- The Variable sub-class used for the pressure output from a Yosemitech Y700 pressure sensor.
- class YosemitechY700_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Yosemitech Y700 pressure sensor.
- class ZebraTechDOpto_DOmgL
- The Variable sub-class used for the dissolved oxygen concentration output from a Zebra-Tech D-Opto dissolved oxygen sensor.
- class ZebraTechDOpto_DOpct
- The Variable sub-class used for the dissolved oxygen percent saturation output from a Zebra-Tech D-Opto dissolved oxygen sensor.
- class ZebraTechDOpto_Temp
- The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Zebra-Tech D-Opto dissolved oxygen sensor.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- Variable(Sensor* parentSense, const uint8_t sensorVarNum, uint8_t decimalResolution, const char* varName, const char* varUnit, const char* varCode, const char* uuid)
- Construct a new Variable objectfor a measured variable - that is, one whose values are updated by a sensor.
- Variable(const uint8_t sensorVarNum, uint8_t decimalResolution, const char* varName, const char* varUnit, const char* varCode)
- Construct a new Variable objectfor a measured variable - that is, one whose values are updated by a sensor - but do not tie it to a specific sensor.
- Variable(float(*)() calcFxn, uint8_t decimalResolution, const char* varName, const char* varUnit, const char* varCode, const char* uuid)
- Construct a new Variable object for a calculated variable - that is, one whose value is calculated by the calcFxn which returns a float.
- Variable(float(*)() calcFxn, uint8_t decimalResolution, const char* varName, const char* varUnit, const char* varCode)
- Construct a new Variable object for a calculated variable - that is, one whose value is calculated by the calcFxn which returns a float.
- Variable()
- Construct a new Variable object.
- ~Variable()
- Destroy the Variable object - no action taken.
Public functions
- Variable* begin(Sensor* parentSense, const char* uuid, const char* customVarCode) -> Variable*
- Begin for the Variable object.
- Variable* begin(Sensor* parentSense, const char* uuid) -> Variable*
- Begin for the Variable object.
- Variable* begin(Sensor* parentSense) -> Variable*
- Begin for the Variable object.
- Variable* begin(float(*)() calcFxn, uint8_t decimalResolution, const char* varName, const char* varUnit, const char* varCode, const char* uuid) -> Variable*
- Begin for the Variable object.
- Variable* begin(float(*)() calcFxn, uint8_t decimalResolution, const char* varName, const char* varUnit, const char* varCode) -> Variable*
- Begin for the Variable object.
- void attachSensor(Sensor* parentSense)
- Notify the parent sensor that it has an observing variable.
- void onSensorUpdate(Sensor* parentSense)
- Updates the interally stored data value.
- String getParentSensorName(void) -> String
- Get the parent sensor name, if applicable.
- String getParentSensorNameAndLocation(void) -> String
- Get the parent sensor name and location, if applicable.
- void setCalculation(float(*)() calcFxn)
- Set the calculation function for a calculted variable.
- uint8_t getResolution(void) -> uint8_t
- Get the variable's resolution - in decimal places.
- void setResolution(uint8_t decimalResolution)
- Set the variable's resolution.
- String getVarName(void) -> String
- Get the variable name.
- void setVarName(const char* varName)
- Set the variable name.
- String getVarUnit(void) -> String
- Get the variable unit.
- void setVarUnit(const char* varUnit)
- Set the variable unit.
- String getVarCode(void) -> String
- Get the customized code for the variable.
- void setVarCode(const char* varCode)
- Set a customized code for the variable.
- String getVarUUID(void) -> String
- Get the customized code for the variable.
- void setVarUUID(const char* uuid)
- Set a customized code for the variable.
- bool checkUUIDFormat(void) -> bool
- Verify the the UUID is correctly formatted.
- float getValue(bool updateValue = false) -> float
- Get current value of the variable as a float.
- String getValueString(bool updateValue = false) -> String
- Get current value of the variable as a string with the correct decimal resolution.
- String formatValueString(float value) -> String
- Get a particular value of the variable as a string with the correct decimal resolution.
Public variables
- Sensor* parentSensor
- Pointer to the parent sensor.
- bool isCalculated
- Internal note as to whether the value is calculated.
Protected variables
- float _currentValue
- The current data value.
Function documentation
Variable:: Variable(Sensor* parentSense,
const uint8_t sensorVarNum,
uint8_t decimalResolution,
const char* varName,
const char* varUnit,
const char* varCode,
const char* uuid)
Construct a new Variable objectfor a measured variable - that is, one whose values are updated by a sensor.
Parameters | |
parentSense | The Sensor object supplying values. |
sensorVarNum | The position in the sensor's value array of this variable's value. |
decimalResolution | The resolution (in decimal places) of the value. |
varName | The name of the variable per the ODM2 variable name controlled vocabulary |
varUnit | The unit of the variable per the ODM2 unit controlled vocabulary |
varCode | A custom code for the variable. This can be any short text helping to identify the variable in files. |
uuid | A universally unique identifier for the variable. |
Variable:: Variable(const uint8_t sensorVarNum,
uint8_t decimalResolution,
const char* varName,
const char* varUnit,
const char* varCode)
Construct a new Variable objectfor a measured variable - that is, one whose values are updated by a sensor - but do not tie it to a specific sensor.
Parameters | |
sensorVarNum | The position in the sensor's value array of this variable's value. |
decimalResolution | The resolution (in decimal places) of the value. |
varName | The name of the variable per the ODM2 variable name controlled vocabulary |
varUnit | The unit of the variable per the ODM2 unit controlled vocabulary |
varCode | A custom code for the variable. This can be any short text helping to identify the variable in files. |
Variable:: Variable(float(*)() calcFxn,
uint8_t decimalResolution,
const char* varName,
const char* varUnit,
const char* varCode,
const char* uuid)
Construct a new Variable object for a calculated variable - that is, one whose value is calculated by the calcFxn which returns a float.
Parameters | |
calcFxn | Any function returning a float value |
decimalResolution | The resolution (in decimal places) of the value. |
varName | The name of the variable per the ODM2 variable name controlled vocabulary |
varUnit | The unit of the variable per the ODM2 unit controlled vocabulary |
varCode | A custom code for the variable. This can be any short text helping to identify the variable in files. |
uuid | A universally unique identifier for the variable. |
Variable:: Variable(float(*)() calcFxn,
uint8_t decimalResolution,
const char* varName,
const char* varUnit,
const char* varCode)
Construct a new Variable object for a calculated variable - that is, one whose value is calculated by the calcFxn which returns a float.
Parameters | |
calcFxn | Any function returning a float value |
decimalResolution | The resolution (in decimal places) of the value. |
varName | The name of the variable per the ODM2 variable name controlled vocabulary |
varUnit | The unit of the variable per the ODM2 unit controlled vocabulary |
varCode | A custom code for the variable. This can be any short text helping to identify the variable in files. |
Variable* Variable:: begin(Sensor* parentSense,
const char* uuid,
const char* customVarCode)
Begin for the Variable object.
Parameters | |
parentSense | The Sensor object supplying values. Supercedes any Sensor supplied in the constructor. |
uuid | A universally unique identifier for the variable. Supercedes any value supplied in the constructor. |
customVarCode | A custom code for the variable. Supercedes any value supplied in the constructor. |
Returns | Variable* A pointer to the variable object |
Variable* Variable:: begin(Sensor* parentSense,
const char* uuid)
Begin for the Variable object.
Parameters | |
parentSense | The Sensor object supplying values. Supercedes any Sensor supplied in the constructor. |
uuid | A universally unique identifier for the variable. Supercedes any value supplied in the constructor. |
Returns | Variable* A pointer to the variable object |
Variable* Variable:: begin(float(*)() calcFxn,
uint8_t decimalResolution,
const char* varName,
const char* varUnit,
const char* varCode,
const char* uuid)
Begin for the Variable object.
Parameters | |
calcFxn | Any function returning a float value. Supercedes any function supplied in the constructor. |
decimalResolution | The resolution (in decimal places) of the value. Supercedes any value supplied in the constructor. |
varName | The name of the variable per the ODM2 variable name controlled vocabulary. Supercedes any value supplied in the constructor. |
varUnit | The unit of the variable per the ODM2 unit controlled vocabulary. Supercedes any value supplied in the constructor. |
varCode | A custom code for the variable. Supercedes any value supplied in the constructor. |
uuid | A universally unique identifier for the variable. Supercedes any value supplied in the constructor. |
Returns | Variable* A pointer to the variable object |
Variable* Variable:: begin(float(*)() calcFxn,
uint8_t decimalResolution,
const char* varName,
const char* varUnit,
const char* varCode)
Begin for the Variable object.
Parameters | |
calcFxn | Any function returning a float value. Supercedes any function supplied in the constructor. |
decimalResolution | The resolution (in decimal places) of the value. Supercedes any value supplied in the constructor. |
varName | The name of the variable per the ODM2 variable name controlled vocabulary. Supercedes any value supplied in the constructor. |
varUnit | The unit of the variable per the ODM2 unit controlled vocabulary. Supercedes any value supplied in the constructor. |
varCode | A custom code for the variable. Supercedes any value supplied in the constructor. |
Returns | Variable* A pointer to the variable object |
void Variable:: attachSensor(Sensor* parentSense)
Notify the parent sensor that it has an observing variable.
Parameters | |
parentSense | The Sensor object supplying values. |
void Variable:: onSensorUpdate(Sensor* parentSense)
Updates the interally stored data value.
Parameters | |
parentSense | The Sensor object supplying values. |
This is the function called by the parent sensor's notifyVariables function
String Variable:: getParentSensorName(void)
Get the parent sensor name, if applicable.
Returns | String The parent sensor name |
This is a helper needed for dealing with variables in arrays
String Variable:: getParentSensorNameAndLocation(void)
Get the parent sensor name and location, if applicable.
Returns | String The parent sensor's concatentated name and location. |
This is a helper needed for dealing with variables in arrays
void Variable:: setCalculation(float(*)() calcFxn)
Set the calculation function for a calculted variable.
Parameters | |
calcFxn | Any function returning a float value. |
uint8_t Variable:: getResolution(void)
Get the variable's resolution - in decimal places.
Returns | uint8_t the variable resolution |
void Variable:: setResolution(uint8_t decimalResolution)
Set the variable's resolution.
Parameters | |
decimalResolution | The resolution (in decimal places) of the value. |
void Variable:: setVarName(const char* varName)
Set the variable name.
Parameters | |
varName | The name of the variable per the ODM2 variable name controlled vocabulary. |
Must be a value from the ODM2 variable name controlled vocabulary available here: http:/
void Variable:: setVarUnit(const char* varUnit)
Set the variable unit.
Parameters | |
varUnit | The unit of the variable per the ODM2 unit controlled vocabulary. |
Must be a value from the ODM2 unit controlled vocabulary available here: http:/
String Variable:: getVarCode(void)
Get the customized code for the variable.
Returns | String The customized code for the variable |
void Variable:: setVarCode(const char* varCode)
Set a customized code for the variable.
Parameters | |
varCode | A custom code for the variable. This can be any short text helping to identify the variable in files. |
String Variable:: getVarUUID(void)
Get the customized code for the variable.
Returns | String The customized code for the variable |
void Variable:: setVarUUID(const char* uuid)
Set a customized code for the variable.
Parameters | |
uuid | A universally unique identifier for the variable. |
bool Variable:: checkUUIDFormat(void)
Verify the the UUID is correctly formatted.
Returns | bool True if the UUID is correctly formatted. |
float Variable:: getValue(bool updateValue = false)
Get current value of the variable as a float.
Parameters | |
updateValue | True to ask the parent sensor to measure and return a new value. Default is false. |
Returns | float The current value of the variable |
String Variable:: getValueString(bool updateValue = false)
Get current value of the variable as a string with the correct decimal resolution.
Parameters | |
updateValue | True to ask the parent sensor to measure and return a new value. Default is false. |
Returns | String The current value of the variable |
String Variable:: formatValueString(float value)
Get a particular value of the variable as a string with the correct decimal resolution.
Parameters | |
value | value to format |
Returns | String The formatted value of the variable |
Variable documentation
float Variable:: _currentValue protected
The current data value.
When we create the variable, we also want to initialize it with a current value of -9999 (ie, a bad result).