ModularSensors > Modules > Supported Sensors > SDI-12 Sensors > Campbell ClariVUE10

Campbell ClariVUE10 module

Classes for the Campbell ClariVUE10 turbidity sensor.


The ClariVUE™10 is an ISO 7027 compliant, side-scatter turbidity sensor. It returns data via SDI-12 to a data logger. Turbidity is a common surrogate measurement for suspended sediment concentration in aquatic systems. The ClariVUE™10 is designed to operate in fresh and saline environments. It will require regular maintenance to keep the optical window clean in high bio-fouling environments. The face of the sensor is made from copper to slow biological growth over the optical windows.

The sensor is implemented as a sub-classes of the SDI12Sensors class. It requires a 9.6 to 18 Vdc power supply, which can be turned off between measurements. It draws < 300 µA when inactive and < 35 mA while measuring.

Sensor Datasheet

The specifications and datasheet are available at

Build flags

Sensor Constructor

CampbellClariVUE10(char SDI12address, int8_t powerPin, int8_t dataPin, uint8_t measurementsToAverage = 1)

Construct a new Campbell ClariVUE10 object.

SDI12address The SDI-12 address of the ClariVUE10; can be a char, char*, or int.

The pin on the mcu controlling power to the ClariVUE10 Use -1 if it is continuously powered.

  • The ClariVUE10 requires a 9.6 to 18 Vdc power supply, which can be turned off between measurements
dataPin The pin on the mcu connected to the data line of the SDI-12 circuit.
measurementsToAverage The number of measurements to take and average before giving a "final" result from the sensor; optional with a default value of 1.

The SDI-12 address of the sensor, the Arduino pin controlling power on/off, and the Arduino pin sending and receiving data are required for the sensor constructor. Optionally, you can include a number of distinct readings to average. The data pin must be a pin that supports pin-change interrupts.

Example Code

The Campbell ClariVUE10 is used in the menu a la carte example.

#include <sensors/CampbellClariVUE10.h>

// NOTE: Use -1 for any pins that don't apply or aren't being used.
const char* ClariVUESDI12address = "0";  // The SDI-12 Address of the ClariVUE10
const int8_t ClariVUEPower       = sensorPowerPin;  // Power pin
const int8_t ClariVUEData        = 7;               // The SDI-12 data pin
// NOTE:  you should NOT take more than one readings.  THe sensor already takes
// and averages 8 by default.

// Create a Campbell ClariVUE10 sensor object
CampbellClariVUE10 clarivue(*ClariVUESDI12address, ClariVUEPower, ClariVUEData);

// Create turbidity, temperature, and error variable pointers for the ClariVUE10
Variable* clarivueTurbidity = new CampbellClariVUE10_Turbidity(
    &clarivue, "12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab");
Variable* clarivueTemp = new CampbellClariVUE10_Temp(
    &clarivue, "12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab");
Variable* clarivueError = new CampbellClariVUE10_ErrorCode(
    &clarivue, "12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab");


class CampbellClariVUE10
The Sensor sub-class for the Campbell ClariVUE10 turbidity sensor.
class CampbellClariVUE10_Turbidity
The Variable sub-class used for the turbidity output from a Campbell ClariVUE10 turbidity sensor.
class CampbellClariVUE10_Temp
The Variable sub-class used for the temperature output from a Campbell ClariVUE10 turbidity sensor.
class CampbellClariVUE10_ErrorCode
The Variable sub-class used for the error code output from a Campbell ClariVUE10 turbidity sensor.


Sensor::_numReturnedValues; the ClariVUE10 can report 7 values (although we only keep 3).
Sensor::_incCalcValues; The ClariVUE calculates averages and other stats on board, but we don't calculate any additional values.

Sensor Timing

The sensor timing for a Campbell ClariVUE10

#define CLARIVUE10_WARM_UP_TIME_MS = 8000
Sensor::_warmUpTime_ms; the ClariVUE10 warms up in 5500ms.

This is longer than the expected 250ms for a SDI-12 sensor, but I couldn't get a response from the sensor faster than that.

Sensor::_stabilizationTime_ms; the ClariVUE10 is stable as soon as it warms up (0ms stabilization).
Sensor::_measurementTime_ms; the ClariVUE10 takes ~9500ms to complete a measurement.

Spec sheet says the measurement time is 9s. When taking a standard measurement I was not getting a result until after about 9335ms.

Extra wake time required for an SDI-12 sensor between the "break" and the time the command is sent. The ClariVUE requires no extra time.


The turbidity variable from a Campbell ClariVUE10

  • Range is 0 to 4000 FNU.
  • Accuracy ±2% or 0.5 FNU (whichever is greater).

CampbellClariVUE10_Turbidity(CampbellClariVUE10* parentSense, const char* uuid = "", const char* varCode = CLARIVUE10_TURBIDITY_DEFAULT_CODE) explicit

Construct a new CampbellClariVUE10_Turbidity object.

parentSense The parent CampbellClariVUE10 providing the result values.
uuid A universally unique identifier (UUID or GUID) for the variable; optional with the default value of an empty string.
varCode A short code to help identify the variable in files; optional with a default value of "ClariVUETurbidity".

Decimals places in string representation; turbidity should have 1 (resolution is 0.2 FNU).
Sensor variable number; turbidity is stored in sensorValues[0].
#define CLARIVUE10_TURBIDITY_VAR_NAME = "turbidity"
Variable name in ODM2 controlled vocabulary; "turbidity".
#define CLARIVUE10_TURBIDITY_UNIT_NAME = "formazinNephelometricUnit"
Variable unit name in ODM2 controlled vocabulary; "formazinNephelometricUnit" (FNU)
Default variable short code; "ClariVUETurbidity".


The temperature variable from a Campbell ClariVUE10

  • Range is -2° to +40°C
  • Accuracy is ± 0.2°C

CampbellClariVUE10_Temp(CampbellClariVUE10* parentSense, const char* uuid = "", const char* varCode = CLARIVUE10_TEMP_DEFAULT_CODE) explicit

Construct a new CampbellClariVUE10_Temp object.

parentSense The parent CampbellClariVUE10 providing the result values.
uuid A universally unique identifier (UUID or GUID) for the variable; optional with the default value of an empty string.
varCode A short code to help identify the variable in files; optional with a default value of "ClariVUETempC".

Decimals places in string representation; temperature should have 2 - resolution is 0.01°C.
Sensor variable number; temperature is stored in sensorValues[5].
#define CLARIVUE10_TEMP_VAR_NAME = "temperature"
Variable name in ODM2 controlled vocabulary; "temperature".
#define CLARIVUE10_TEMP_UNIT_NAME = "degreeCelsius"
Variable unit name in ODM2 controlled vocabulary; "degreeCelsius" (°C)
Default variable short code; "ClariVUETempC".

Error Code

The error code variable from a Campbell ClariVUE10

  • Significance of error code values is unknown.

CampbellClariVUE10_ErrorCode(CampbellClariVUE10* parentSense, const char* uuid = "", const char* varCode = CLARIVUE10_ERRORCODE_DEFAULT_CODE) explicit

Construct a new CampbellClariVUE10_ErrorCode object.

parentSense The parent CampbellClariVUE10 providing the result values.
uuid A universally unique identifier (UUID or GUID) for the variable; optional with the default value of an empty string.
varCode A short code to help identify the variable in files; optional with a default value of "ClariVUEError".

Decimals places in string representation; the error code has 0.
Sensor variable number; error code is stored in sensorValues[2].
#define CLARIVUE10_ERRORCODE_VAR_NAME = "instrumentStatusCode"
Variable name in ODM2 controlled vocabulary; "instrumentStatusCode".
#define CLARIVUE10_ERRORCODE_UNIT_NAME = "dimensionless"
Variable unit name in ODM2 controlled vocabulary; "dimensionless".
Default variable short code; "ClariVUEError".