modems directory
Contains the source code for all loggerModem subclasses.
- Reference
Detailed Descriptions
- file DigiXBee.cpp
- Implements the DigiXBee class.
- file DigiXBee.h
- Contains the DigiXBee modem subclass of loggerModem, which itself is a parent class for all other XBee's and XBee3's.
- file DigiXBee3GBypass.cpp
- Implements the DigiXBee3GBypass class.
- file DigiXBee3GBypass.h
- Contains the DigiXBee3GBypass subclass of the DigiXBee class for Digi Cellular XBee's based on u-blox SARA U201 chips and operated in bypass mode.
- file DigiXBeeCellularTransparent.cpp
- Implements the DigiXBeeCellularTransparent class.
- file DigiXBeeCellularTransparent.h
- Contains the DigiXBeeCellularTransparent class for Digi Cellular XBee's operating in transparent mode.
- file DigiXBeeLTEBypass.cpp
- Implements the DigiXBeeLTEBypass class.
- file DigiXBeeLTEBypass.h
- Contains the DigiXBeeLTEBypass subclass of the DigiXBee class for Digi Cellular XBee3's based on u-blox SARA R410M chips and operated in bypass mode.
- file DigiXBeeWifi.cpp
- Implements the DigiXBeeWifi class.
- file DigiXBeeWifi.h
- Contains the DigiXBeeWifi subclass of the DigiXBee class for Digi S6B Wifi XBee's.
- file EspressifESP32.h
- Contains the EspressifESP32 subclass of loggerModem which is merely a typedef for the EspressifESP8266 class.
- file EspressifESP8266.cpp
- Implements the EspressifESP8266 class.
- file EspressifESP8266.h
- Contains the EspressifESP8266 subclass of loggerModem which SHOULD work for essentially any breakout of the Espressif ESP8266 wifi chip or ESP32 wifi/bluetooth chip that has been flashed with Espressif's AT command firmware.
- file LoggerModemMacros.h
- Contains PRE-ROCESSOR MACROS for use with logger modems.
- file QuectelBG96.cpp
- Implements the QuectelBG96 class.
- file QuectelBG96.h
- Contains the QuectelBG96 subclass of loggerModem for Dragino, Nimbelink, or any other module based on the Quectel BG96.
- file SequansMonarch.cpp
- Implements the SequansMonarch class.
- file SequansMonarch.h
- Contains the SequansMonarch subclass of loggerModem for Nimbelink or other modules based on the Sequans Monarch VZM20Q.
- file SIMComSIM7000.cpp
- Implements the SIMComSIM7000 class.
- file SIMComSIM7000.h
- Contains the SIMComSIM7000 subclass of loggerModem for Botletics other modules based on the SIMCOM SIM7000.
- file SIMComSIM7080.cpp
- Implements the SIMComSIM7080 class.
- file SIMComSIM7080.h
- Contains the SIMComSIM7080 subclass of loggerModem for Botletics other modules based on the SIMCOM SIM7080.
- file SIMComSIM800.cpp
- Implements the SIMComSIM800 class.
- file SIMComSIM800.h
- Contains the SIMComSIM800 subclass of loggerModem for Adafruit Fona 2G, the Sodaq GPRSBeeR4 and almost any other module based on the SIMCOM SIM800 or SIM900 modules and thier variants.
- file Sodaq2GBeeR6.cpp
- Implements the Sodaq2GBeeR6 class.
- file Sodaq2GBeeR6.h
- Contains the Sodaq2GBeeR6 subclass of the SIMComSIM800 class and is specific to the Sodaq 2GBee revisions 6 and higher based on the SIMCOM SIM800h.
- file SodaqUBeeR410M.cpp
- Implements the SodaqUBeeR410M class.
- file SodaqUBeeR410M.h
- Contains the SodaqUBeeR410M subclass of loggerModem for the Sodaq UBee based on the u-blox SARA R410M LTE-M cellular module.
- file SodaqUBeeU201.cpp
- Implements the SodaqUBeeU201 class.
- file SodaqUBeeU201.h
- Contains the SodaqUBeeU201 subclass of loggerModem for the Sodaq UBee based on the u-blox SARA U201 3G cellular module.