EspressifESP8266.h file
Contains the EspressifESP8266 subclass of loggerModem which SHOULD work for essentially any breakout of the Espressif ESP8266 wifi chip or ESP32 wifi/bluetooth chip that has been flashed with Espressif's AT command firmware.
- class EspressifESP8266
- The loggerModem subclass for any breakout of the Espressif ESP8266 wifi chip or ESP32 wifi/bluetooth chip that has been flashed with Espressif's AT command firmware.
- using EspressifESP32 = EspressifESP8266
- Assign EspressifESP32 as type EspressifESP8266 to avoid user confusion.
- #define TINY_GSM_MODEM_ESP8266
- The modem type for the underlying TinyGSM library.