Supported Data Endpoints topic
- Reference
Detailed Descriptions
All implemented data endpoint (publisher) classes
A dataPublisher is a abstract concept. It is something that "watches" the logger for new data and correctly formats and sends that data to some online web service.
- class DreamHostPublisher
- The DreamHostPublisher subclass of dataPublisher is for publishing data to the Stroud Center's now-deprecated DreamHost based live sensor data system.
- class EnviroDIYPublisher
- The EnviroDIYPublisher subclass of dataPublisher for publishing data to the Monitor My Watershed/EnviroDIY data portal at http:/
/ - class ThingSpeakPublisher
- The ThingSpeakPublisher subclass of dataPublisher for publishing data to ThingSpeak using the MQTT protocol.
- class UbidotsPublisher
- The UbidotsPublisher subclass of dataPublisher for publishing data to the Ubidots data portal at https:/