Supported Data Endpoints topic

All implemented data endpoint (publisher) classes

A dataPublisher is a abstract concept. It is something that "watches" the logger for new data and correctly formats and sends that data to some online web service.


class DreamHostPublisher
The DreamHostPublisher subclass of dataPublisher is for publishing data to the Stroud Center's now-deprecated DreamHost based live sensor data system.
class EnviroDIYPublisher
The EnviroDIYPublisher subclass of dataPublisher for publishing data to the Monitor My Watershed/EnviroDIY data portal at
class ThingSpeakPublisher
The ThingSpeakPublisher subclass of dataPublisher for publishing data to ThingSpeak using the MQTT protocol.
class UbidotsPublisher
The UbidotsPublisher subclass of dataPublisher for publishing data to the Ubidots data portal at