publishers directory
Contains the source code for all dataPublisher subclasses.
- Reference
Detailed Descriptions
- file DreamHostPublisher.cpp
- Implements the DreamHostPublisher class.
- file DreamHostPublisher.h
- Contains the DreamHostPublisher subclass of dataPublisher for publishing data to the Stroud Center's now-deprecated DreamHost based live sensor data system.
- file EnviroDIYPublisher.cpp
- Implements the EnviroDIYPublisher class.
- file EnviroDIYPublisher.h
- Contains the EnviroDIYPublisher subclass of dataPublisher for publishing data to the Monitor My Watershed/EnviroDIY data portal at http:/
/ - file ThingSpeakPublisher.cpp
- Implements the ThingSpeakPublisher class.
- file ThingSpeakPublisher.h
- Contains the ThingSpeakPublisher subclass of dataPublisher for publishing data to ThingSpeak using the MQTT protocol.
- file UbidotsPublisher.cpp
- Implements the UbidotsPublisher class.
- file UbidotsPublisher.h
- Contains the UbidotsPublisher subclass of dataPublisher for publishing data to the Ubidots IoT platform at https:/