ModularSensors > Files > src / LoggerBase.h

LoggerBase.h file

Contains the LoggerBase class which handles basic logging functions.

Basic logger functions include communicating with a real-time clock, saving to an SD card, and publishing data to remotes via a loggerModem connection.


class Logger
The "Logger" Class handles low power sleep for the main processor, interfacing with the real-time clock and modem, writing to the SD card, and passing data on to the data publishers.


#define EPOCH_TIME_OFF = 946684800
January 1, 2000 00:00:00 in "epoch" time.
The largest number of variables from a single sensor.

Define documentation

#define EPOCH_TIME_OFF = 946684800

January 1, 2000 00:00:00 in "epoch" time.

Need this b/c the date/time class in Sodaq_DS3231 treats a 32-bit long timestamp as time from 2000-jan-01 00:00:00 instead of the standard (unix) epoch beginning 1970-jan-01 00:00:00.