Example I: SDI-12 PC Interface

Code for an Arduino-based USB dongle translates serial comm from PC to SDI-12 (electrical and timing)

  1. Allows user to communicate to SDI-12 devices from a serial terminal emulator (e.g. PuTTY).
  2. Able to spy on an SDI-12 bus for troubleshooting comm between datalogger and sensors.
  3. Can also be used as a hardware middleman for interfacing software to an SDI-12 sensor. For example, implementing an SDI-12 datalogger in Python on a PC. Use verbatim mode with feedback off in this case.

Note: "translation" means timing and electrical interface. It does not ensure SDI-12 compliance of commands sent via it.

PlatformIO Configuration

1; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
4description = SDI-12 Library Example J: Creating an SDI-12 Translator Dongle
5src_dir = .piolibdeps/Arduino-SDI-12_ID1486/examples/j_SDI-12_interface
8monitor_speed = 115200
9board = mayfly
10platform = atmelavr
11framework = arduino
12lib_ldf_mode = deep+
13lib_ignore = RTCZero
14lib_deps =
15 SDI-12

The Complete Example