Example H: Using SDI-12 in Slave Mode

Example sketch demonstrating how to implement an Arduino as a slave on an SDI-12 bus. This may be used, for example, as a middleman between an I2C sensor and an SDI-12 datalogger.

Note that an SDI-12 slave must respond to M! or C! with the number of values it will report and the max time until these values will be available. This example uses 9 values available in 21 s, but references to these numbers and the output array size and datatype should be changed for your specific application.

PlatformIO Configuration

1; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
4description = SDI-12 Library Example H: Using Arduino as SDI-12 Slave
5src_dir = .piolibdeps/Arduino-SDI-12_ID1486/examples/h_SDI-12_slave_implementation
8monitor_speed = 115200
9board = mayfly
10platform = atmelavr
11framework = arduino
12lib_ldf_mode = deep+
13lib_ignore = RTCZero
14lib_deps =
15 SDI-12

The Complete Example