SDI-12 for Arduino > Examples > a_wild_card.ino

a_wild_card.ino example

Example A: Using the Wildcard - Getting Single Sensor Information

This is a simple demonstration of the SDI-12 library for Arduino. It requests information about a single attached sensor, including its address and manufacturer info, and prints it to the serial port

PlatformIO Configuration

; PlatformIO Project Configuration File

description = SDI-12 Library Example A:  Getting information for a single attached sensor
src_dir = .piolibdeps/Arduino-SDI-12_ID1486/examples/a_wild_card

monitor_speed = 115200
board = mayfly
platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
lib_ldf_mode = deep+
lib_ignore = RTCZero
lib_deps =

The Complete Example

 * @file a_wild_card.ino
 * @copyright (c) 2013-2020 Stroud Water Research Center (SWRC)
 *                          and the EnviroDIY Development Team
 *            This example is published under the BSD-3 license.
 * @author Kevin M.Smith <>
 * @date August 2013
 * @brief Example A: Using the Wildcard - Getting Single Sensor Information
 * This is a simple demonstration of the SDI-12 library for Arduino.
 * It requests information about the attached sensor, including its address and
 * manufacturer info.

#include <SDI12.h>

#define SERIAL_BAUD 115200 /*!< The baud rate for the output serial port */
#define DATA_PIN 7         /*!< The pin of the SDI-12 data bus */
#define POWER_PIN 22       /*!< The sensor power pin (or -1 if not switching power) */

/** Define the SDI-12 bus */

  '?' is a wildcard character which asks any and all sensors to respond
  'I' indicates that the command wants information about the sensor
  '!' finishes the command
String myCommand = "?I!";

void setup() {
  while (!Serial)

  Serial.println("Opening SDI-12 bus...");
  delay(500);  // allow things to settle

  // Power the sensors;
  if (POWER_PIN > 0) {
    Serial.println("Powering up sensors...");
    pinMode(POWER_PIN, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(POWER_PIN, HIGH);

void loop() {
  delay(300);                    // wait a while for a response
  while (mySDI12.available()) {  // write the response to the screen
  delay(3000);  // print again in three seconds